
the mask-image css property sets the image that is used as mask layer for an element. by default this means the alpha channel of the mask image will be multiplied with the alpha channel of the element. this can be controlled with the mask-mode property.

horizontal scrollable content

try scrolling horizontally.

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. integer vitae leo in orci dapibus tristique.

vertically scrollable content

try scrolling vertically.

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. integer vitae leo in orci dapibus tristique. mauris elementum iaculis erat eget vehicula. in imperdiet enim quis nulla laoreet pretium. in blandit lobortis ipsum sed pellentesque. suspendisse potenti. nullam sollicitudin posuere nisi, vel dignissim orci pulvinar vel. nulla eu lacus tortor. cras vel lobortis orci, vitae accumsan turpis. praesent venenatis eros risus, at tempus urna tristique ac. duis fermentum neque ante, eu venenatis diam scelerisque in. quisque sed cursus elit. nunc id sem blandit, luctus diam quis, condimentum tellus.

browser support

chrome firefox safari
mask-image 120 53 15.4
overscroll-behavior 63 59 16
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